Want a Seat on Your Community Board? There’s Still Time.

If you want to join a Manhattan community board and haven’t yet filed an application, you have until tomorrow. Manhattan has the earliest (and by far the most well-publicized) deadline of the five boroughs, so no need to panic if you intend to apply elsewhere.

As regular readers know, community boards often represent the front lines in the battle for livable streets, and our neighborhoods desperately need more progressive voices at the board level — ideally, enough of them so that something like this doesn’t happen again.

Follow the jump for more dates and application links. Best of luck. 





Staten Island


We Are the Community Board Cranks We’ve Been Waiting For

If you want to see more of this, and less of this, at the community board level, Transportation Alternatives is making it easier to apply for a spot on your own neighborhood CB. Next Monday, November 24, TA will host the "Community Board Join-Up Jammy-Jam" at the offices of The Open Planning Project. There will […]

Support For Neighborhood Slow Zones Keeps on Growing

Interest continues to grow in the Department of Transportation’s slow speed zones, which place 20 mph speed limits on residential streets. One month after the application deadline for the program, community boards across the city continue to pass resolutions in support of slow zones. In February, Streetsblog wrote about applications or expressions of interest from Mt. […]

Tonight: Learn How to Infiltrate Your Community Board

If you live in Manhattan and you’ve been represented by a community board that seems more concerned with parking spots than creating safe streets and great public spaces, you may want to head uptown tonight. Borough President Scott Stringer’s office is putting on an event for prospective community board members. If you decide to join, […]