The Elevated Bikeways of Minneapolis?

Via Streetsblog Network member Twin Cities Streets for People, this vid depicts a fanciful best-case scenario should stimulus funds get funneled to highway expansion at the expense of transit, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure. Talk about unintended consequences. Excellent job by the filmmakers of putting a closed-off stretch of freeway to good use.



Major Bike Mojo in Minneapolis

In a surprising choice, the May edition of Bicycling Magazine named Minneapolis America’s best city for biking. The city still trails Portland, Oregon in the percentage of commuters who bike to work (4.3 percent to 5.9 percent, respectively, according to the most recent American Community Survey), but Minneapolis has been gaining momentum. Next month, Minneapolis […]

More Cyclists = Safer Cycling in Minneapolis

Studies have long linked cycling safety to the number of cyclists on the street — the old safety-in-numbers maxim in action. The latest evidence validating this phenomenon comes from chilly Minneapolis. In the mid-1990s, collisions involving cyclists peaked at 334 per year, according to city data reported by the League of American Bicyclists. Since then, […]