Alan Gerson Wants Greater “Review” of DOT Bike Safety Plans

In 2006, Alan Gerson helmeted-up and rallied for a protected bike lane on Houston St.

On a day when you’d hope City Council members would be focused on the Bikes in Buildings bill, Manhattan City Councilman Alan Gerson is planning to introduce a new piece of legislation aimed at giving someone — presumably City Council — greater opportunity to "review" DOT bike infrastructure plans before they are implemented.

Details are sketchy at this point. All we’ve got is the sub-title of his proposed law so it’s probably unfair to jump to conclusions, but let’s go ahead and do just that. I think we can pretty well assume that Gerson is looking to set up a process that gives City Council members greater control over DOT’s bike network build-out, particularly, critical bike safety projects like the ones that have been popping up in his district recently.

By Council Member Gerson:
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to review of bicycle lanes.
Transportation Committee

We’ll be putting in a call to Gerson’s office. If you live in Lower Manhattan, you can too.


Gerson Looks to Rein In Runaway Safety Improvements

Not long ago, Alan Gerson spoke in favor of giving pedestrians more space at Petrosino Square. Alan Gerson’s office has more on what we suspected was a bill intended to give the Lower Manhattan City Council member and his colleagues more power over DOT implementation of new bike infrastructure. Judging by this comment from Gerson […]

Gerson on Grand Street Safety: Never Mind the Facts

City Council member Alan Gerson didn’t have much new to say at his sidewalk protest of the Grand Street bike lane. But a handful of reporters and a few cyclists pressed him to defend the idea that projects designed to improve street safety should be subject to greater City Council review. Gerson’s assertion of "dangerous […]

Gerson Bill Mandating Review of Transpo Projects Is Now Law

In one of his final acts as a City Council member, Alan Gerson won passage for a bill that may slow down major street projects. New York City’s 2009 legislative session didn’t end without a parting gift from outgoing Lower Manhattan rep Alan Gerson. A new law that passed City Council unanimously before the end […]

Safer Streets Under Fire at Gerson “Town Hall”

It’s safer to cross Grand Street. The arrogance! Lower Manhattan City Council rep Alan Gerson held a "transportation town hall" Monday night, following up on his pledge last year to closely monitor creeping safety enhancements to New York streets. Fellow City Council member John Liu, a candidate for comptroller, also made an appearance at the […]