Today on

2922746704_46664861ba.jpgWe’re headed out to the West Coast this morning on Streetsblog Network, where we are now featuring feeds from 142 blogs and adding new members all the time (welcome Kansas! welcome Kentucky!).

A Lesson from San Francisco: How Streetcars Can Evolve. Seattle, WA: Can streetcars that share space with car traffic become part of a true rapid-transit system? From Seattle Transit Blog, a historical analysis of the way streetcars in San Francisco have done just that.

Un-Malling 14th Street. St. Louis, MO: When is a pedestrian mall not a good idea? In 1977, the city of St. Louis closed a shopping street downtown to cars. The experiment failed and the street went dead. Urban Review STL looks forward to the restoration of the street grid.

Plus: Electric trains in California, more on the Big Bad Big Box and a fun video about walking.

Photo: "Monorail and Streetcar, Past, Present and Future," by Oranviri, via the STB Flickr pool



To Speed Service, Seattle Looks to Separate Streetcars From Auto Traffic

As streetcars make a comeback in cities across America, they are under scrutiny from transit advocates who complain about service quality. Atlanta’s new streetcar has produced disappointing ridership numbers, with sources reporting it’s not much faster than walking. And Yonah Freemark at the Transport Politic reports that after a fairly strong start, Seattle’s South Lake Union […]

Streetcars and Street Design

This morning on the Streetsblog Network, Yonah Freemark at The Transport Politic talks about streetcar plans in Washington, D.C. Without better street design, he argues, the capital’s streetcars could end up mired in traffic:   (Photo: rocket ship via Flickr) I have documented some of the quotidian situations that will result in delayed traffic as a […]

Eyes on the Street: Bicoastal Streetcars

Brooklyn San Francisco Like Clarence Eckerson, I recently returned from a visit to San Francisco. I left with a feeling that San Francisco has the best urban surface transportation in the country: emissions-free buses drawing power from overhead wires, regular buses, cable cars moving up and down steep hills, many cyclists despite those hills, partially buried lightrail and […]

Planning a Streetcar? Better Get Your Zoning Right

Streetcars aren’t necessarily the fastest or cheapest way to get people from point A to point B, compared to, say, light rail or additional bus service. But cities around the country are racing to install new lines because streetcars can be a powerful tool for promoting urban development, of the walkable, transit-oriented, mixed-use, high-tax-revenue generating kind. But there’s […]