The Cost of Free Residential Parking


No Curbside Access for Trucks Create Traffic Jams Across the City

There is a source of congestion on every city street that has a solution. We need trucks to deliver goods to our stores, deliver food to our restaurants and to move furniture into and out of our homes. 100% of Manhattan’s goods enter the island by truck. But there is no curbside place for trucks on most of our streets to make their necessary deliveries. Instead, we see situations like this where trucks are forced to double park, congesting a street, accumulating lots of tickets (which get passed onto consumers), causing lots of horn honking which disrupts the neighborhood all while they are performing a necessary task to sustain our economy. This is the cost of turning a side street over to 100% free residential parking.

I’m not saying I want more trucks on the streets (in fact, I would love to see fewer Fresh Direct trucks). I just think folks should recognize that we need trucks to make the city work and through simple changes in parking regulations, we can accommodate them, improve quality of life by reducing congestion, noise and  the costs to small businesses that get passed on to consumers.


Curbside Space Wars

Private cars blocking service vehicles on W. 86th St. between Columbus and Amsterdam There are many users of curbside space in New York City. Taxis, School Buses, Access-A-Ride and other private automobiles need curbside space to pick up and drop off people, often disabled, elderly or children. Trucks making deliveries to businesses and residents need curbside space to load and unload goods and packages. […]

DOT Adds Delivery Zones to Tackle Church Avenue Double Parking

The fight for scarce street space is always fierce in New York City, and as DOT’s efforts to install bike and bus lanes across the city have revealed, the most contested zone of all is probably the curbside. On commercial streets, drivers can’t get enough of the underpriced on-street parking while businesses want curbside access […]