Eyes on the Street: Cycle Track Construction Porn


There’s a lot of protected bike infrastructure in various stages of completion right now, and I had the chance to take some pictures on the way to the office today. Above is a trench for part of the Sands Street bike path, the long-awaited Manhattan Bridge approach in Brooklyn that was originally slated to start construction in 2006. The middle of the road has been dug up from Gold Street to Navy Street. Someone on the crew said it will be a while before the project gets finished.

In Manhattan, markings are down for the Grand Street cycle track, a path that will rely on parked cars for physical separation (no digging required, see DOT’s PDF). Below is the "mixing zone" at the intersection of Wooster Street. Note the van pulling out over a curb cut into the bike lane…



…here’s that van again, which a parking lot attendant left in the bike lane while the owner (carrying bag) came to drive it away.


Here’s a shot of the mixing zone signs and markings, looking in the opposite direction…


…and here’s the same view from a little further back. The space to the left of the buffer is for parking.


The concrete has set on this pedestrian refuge at the corner of Bank Street and Hudson Street, which is where the Eighth Avenue cycle track (part of a broader re-design — PDF) will begin.


Another refuge in the works one block north, where Hudson turns into Eighth.


Eyes on the Street: Upper Manhattan’s First Protected Bike Lane in Progress

Reader Jonathan Rabinowitz sent this photo of Upper Manhattan’s first protected bike lane, now under construction on Fort George Hill, a one-way street that connects Dyckman Street in Inwood with Fairview Avenue to the south, along the western border of Harlem River Park. This project will give cyclists a north-south route between Inwood and Washington Heights by allotting 11 feet of […]

CB 2 Panel OKs Hudson Street Bike Lane Upgrade, Bowery Ped Safety Tweaks

Last night, Manhattan Community Board 2’s transportation committee unanimously supported two safety measures: one to upgrade a bike lane on Hudson Street, and another to tweak pedestrian improvements at the car-clogged intersection of the Bowery and Delancey Street. Almost two-and-a-half years after asking DOT to upgrade the faded buffered bike lane on Hudson Street to a […]

Reminder: CB4 Eighth Avenue Bike Path Meeting Tonight

The Eighth Ave cycle track is under construction from Bank St. to 14th Don’t forget tonight’s Manhattan CB4 hearing on the Eighth Avenue cycle track, where DOT will present plans to extend the protected lane next year from 14th to 23rd Street. With opponents expected to weigh in, pro-livable streets turnout is key. Here again […]

Eyes on the Street: Sands Street Bike Path Almost Rideable

Soon, you won’t have to ride in car traffic on the Sands Street approach to the Manhattan Bridge. The long-awaited Sands Street bike path, a protected approach to the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge which took a few years longer than expected to go through New York City’s construction bureaucracy, looks tantalizingly close to […]