Tuesday’s Headlines: Everyplace is a Bad Place to Drive Edition

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There was so little news yesterday that we’ll lead today with a pet peeve that our old man editor has had since the dawn of the Internet era: those insane, poorly crafted, unscientific and usually completely fictitious Wallet Hub polls that purport to tell readers “the best” and “the worst” states for such things as retiring, buying a house or meeting a new lover.

Yesterday’s “the best and worst states to drive in” reached a new low (but The Post covered it anyway). The answer should have been: Everywhere is the worst place to drive! Face it, the survey should have been called, “The worst places in America to breathe” (everywhere!), “the worst places to take on unnecessary debt” (again, everywhere!) or “the best places to hit someone with your car and get away with it” (you guessed it: everywhere).

We’d like to see a survey of the best places to live if you don’t want to get run over, breathe toxic air or have your town turn into Sprawlsville, USA. That’s what we’d like to see.

In other news from a slow day:

  • Like Streetsblog, Gothamist and Bloomberg covered the Sen. Schumer Zoom call on Monday morning, but focused mostly on Gateway. The Queens Daily Eagle took a surprisingly anodyne approach.
  • The Post continued to try to stir up a food fight over street vendors, but Mayor de Blasio is right to support raising the cap for vending licenses. There is room for all kinds of businesses in our city.
  • Some of the city’s pension funds will divest a bit from fossil fuels. (NYDN, Reuters)
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer did a takedown of the Moynihan Train Hall — and used the word “Stygian” in the lede!
  • Finally, we’re not buying the reports of a big snowstorm today (our trick knee says it’ll be too warm).