Thursday’s Headlines: All We Want for Christmas is … More Busways Edition

Photo: Department of Transportation
Photo: Department of Transportation
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It’s our December donation drive. Please give from the heart (and wallet) by clicking the logo above.

The story of Wednesday was not that we botched were mostly right in our prediction that it wouldn’t really snow. No, the story was how hundreds of bus advocates and supporters of genuine common sense streets came out in droves all across the city — then gathered near City Hall — to call for a dramatic expansion of the successful 14th Street busway pilot.

Everyone wants a busway now! Northern Boulevard in Queens (Streetsblog), Hylan Boulevard in Staten Island (Advance), Flatbush Avenue and Empire Boulevard in Brooklyn — all had advocates gathering petitions on Wednesday during the slushfall.

Mayor de Blasio said he’ll announce new transit priority routes next year, so we’re counting the days.

Until then, here was the rest of the news from a very slow cold day:

  • New York City Transit President Andy Byford told reporters he “almost went through the fucking roof” when he learned that a new signal system on the 7 train failed in slush for the second time this month.  (NY Post)
  • The Times Metro section looked at the dollar van industry — and a man who basically wants to turn it into Uber (including more speeding drivers focused more on their phones than on the road).
  • Gov. Cuomo unveiled Sheridan Boulevard (the former Sheridan Expressway), but it doesn’t really seem that much better. (amNY, Streetsblog)
  • CBS2 gets action (at least for drivers): The Port Authority is apparently delaying its attempt to eliminate a carpool discount for George Washington Bridge drivers.
  • And, finally, if you didn’t catch our big scoop about new punishment for reckless NYPD drivers, here’s your chance.



The “Choice” vs. “Captive” Transit Rider Dichotomy Is All Wrong

The conventional wisdom about transit often divides riders into two neat categories: “choice” riders — higher-income people with cars — and “captive” riders — lower-income people who must use transit because they don’t own cars. But this framework can undermine good transit, according to a new report from TransitCenter [PDF]. In the attempt to cater only to “choice” riders or “captive” […]

It’s OK to Build Transit-Oriented Development Before Transit

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Without Transit, American Cities Would Take Up 37 Percent More Space

Even if you never set foot on a bus or a train, chances are transit is saving you time and money. The most obvious reason is that transit keeps cars off the road, but the full explanation is both less intuitive and more profound: Transit shrinks distances between destinations, putting everything within closer reach. A new study published by the Transportation Research Board quantifies […]