Forecast for Tomorrow: Mostly Sunny, High 78°

sunny_streets.gifNot to jinx the big day, but a higher authority seems to be smiling on the city’s first Summer Streets event. Bike riders, walkers, salsa dancers, and hopscotch players can look forward to a balmy mid-70s morning, according to the latest weather report.

If you’re biking in, Transportation Alternatives still has spaces available for its feeder rides, especially the ones departing from Astoria and Bed Stuy. Check here for details on where to go and how to RSVP. 



It’s Past Time to Make Summer Streets Even Greater

When Summer Streets launched in 2008, it was accompanied by a veritable New York media firestorm. “Will Car-Free ‘Summer Streets’ Work?” asked the Times. “Businesses Brace for Summer Streets,” warned WNYC. Seven years on, New York’s marquee car-free event has become a popular August institution. It’s time for more. Since its first edition, Summer Streets has […]

Streetfilms: Scenes From Summer Streets

Saturday was the second of three Summer Streets this August, with car-free streets along Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Couldn’t make it yourself? Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms, as always, has got you covered. Clarence says he was particularly struck by how many people pedaled the route using […]

The Rise of Open Streets

Streetfilms has been documenting the open streets movement for over seven years, beginning with our landmark film in 2007 on Bogota’s Ciclovia, currently the most viewed Streetfilm of all time. The next year, Mike Lydon of The Street Plans Collaborative decided to get an open streets event going in Miami, which led to his research for The Open Streets […]

First-Ever “Shared Streets” Brings Stress-Free Streets to Financial District

DOT’s first-ever “Shared Streets” event limited car traffic entering a 60-block section of the Financial District for five hours on Saturday. With the neighborhood free of the near-constant stream of cars passing through on a typical day, pedestrians and cyclists were free to navigate the streets without fear. Drivers who entered the area between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. faced barriers at streets along the edge of […]

Summer Streets 2016 Gets Started Tomorrow

If you’re old enough to remember when Summer Streets — which begins tomorrow — was a wild new idea, it probably won’t surprise you that this isn’t the first year we’ve pointed out that Summer Streets has become a completely normal thing. For some time now, New Yorkers have wondered when DOT would improve on the city’s premier car-free event, and next […]