Bloomberg Endorses 2,300-Car Big Box Garage for West Side

brooklyn_costco.jpgThe Observer reported last week that Extell Development wants to lease an underground chunk of its huge West Side project to big box retailer Costco. Included in the plan: 2,300 parking spaces. To put that in perspective, the Red Hook Ikea, projected to yield 17,000 car trips on peak days, makes do with a 1,400-car parking lot. The building where Extell wants to put the Costco and the garage will be mostly residential. No matter how many spaces are set aside for residents or shoppers, the inclusion of so much parking flies in the face of the city’s stated goal to reduce traffic.

Nevertheless, Mayor Bloomberg has come out in favor of the Costco, the Sun reports:

At a press conference yesterday, Mr. Bloomberg said bringing the
big-box warehouse chain to the city would help New Yorkers weather a
difficult economic downturn. "Costco has a reputation of selling in
bulk at very low prices, and given the economy today and the public’s
desire to buy things in bulk and buy them cheaper, it seems to me we
should welcome any store that wants to come here," he said.

In light of the Mayor’s own congestion reduction efforts, the endorsement makes little sense:

A spokesman for the Neighborhood Retail Alliance, Richard Lipsky,
said the Costco store would run counter to another administration
priority: reducing traffic.

"It is incongruous for the mayor, who supported congestion pricing,
to support one of the most auto-dependent retailers in the country,"
Mr. Lipsky said.

Photo of Costco parking lot in Brooklyn: MaxKalehoff/Flickr


Manhattan CB 7 Demands 800 Fewer Parking Spaces at Riverside Center

Riverside Center won’t build a second parking deck if CB 7’s recommendations are adopted. Image: Extell Development Manhattan Community Board 7 approved its recommendations for the Riverside Center mega-project in a special meeting last night, laying out a long list of demands. Many of the modifications would make the development more walkable, whether by integrating […]

Major Test for Parking Reform Shaping Up on Manhattan’s West Side

The site plan for Riverside Center includes a large ramp for motorists to access below-ground garages (bottom center). Image: Extell Development Are New York City’s planning commissioners serious about parking reform? An important test case is shaping up on Manhattan’s west side, where Extell Development is trying to build 1,800 parking spaces in an area […]

At First Riverside Center Hearing, Planning Commission Quiet on Parking

On the west side of Manhattan, Extell Development is proposing to build two levels of below-ground parking, each covering most of the two-block footprint of the Riverside Center site. Image: Extell Development [PDF] The City Planning Commission certified Extell Development’s parking-filled Riverside Center proposal yesterday afternoon, setting in motion the city’s land use review process. […]

Public Tells Planning Commission They Want a Walkable Riverside Center

A hearing on the Riverside Center mega-development yesterday revealed a popular hunger for a more walkable West Side and perhaps some interest from the City Planning Commission in the same. Extell Development is looking to build a housing and retail complex, including 1,800 parking spaces, on this waterfront site equivalent in size to two Manhattan blocks. […]

Stringer: 1,800 Parking Spots Too Many For Riverside Center; 1,100 Okay

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer approved one block’s worth of underground parking for Riverside Center, but not two. Image: Extell Development Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer released his recommendations for the Riverside Center megaproject yesterday afternoon. Like Community Board 7, he doesn’t approve of Extell Development’s request to build more than 1,800 underground parking spaces […]