Williamsburg Walks: Opening Up Bedford Avenue

Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg Brooklyn was de-motorized and opened to the public this Saturday for a new event called Williamsburg Walks. Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there and he’s already churned out a nice three-and-a-half minute video to give you a sense of the event.

If you want to check out Williamsburg Walks for yourself, you still can. Saturday’s noon to 7 pm event was the first of four pedestrian-only Saturday’s on Bedford Avenue, through August 9. That also happens to be the first day of the big "Summer Streets" event along Park Avenue in Manhattan (7 am to 1 pm), if you’re looking to make a multi-borough day of it.

Clarence described the event as "quiet, safe, relaxing, and human" and says he’ll be returning without a camera next time so he can actually enjoy it as well (Can you actually detach that thing from your hand, Clarence? I’ll believe it when I see it). Streetfilms’ also notes: "This was not a street fair in any sense of the word." The generic sausage and tube socks vendors were nowhere to be seen. Rather, this was an opening up of the street to the neighborhood. It was an event that allowed merchants, residents and visitors to enjoy other uses for their shared public space than the storage and movement of motor vehicles. And why not?


DOT Wipes 14 Blocks of Bike Lane Off Bedford Avenue

Workers blast away at the Bedford Avenue bike lane. Photo: Elizabeth Press. As reported by Gothamist, DOT is removing a 14-block stretch of the Bedford Avenue bike lane between Flushing Avenue and Division Street in Hasidic Williamsburg. Workers were seen erasing the lane this morning, taking away a safer cycling connection to central Williamsburg that […]

Williamsburg Walks: Volunteer Orientation Tonight

Brooklyn’s Bedford Avenue will be going car-free for four Saturdays this summer. If you want to be a part of making the event happen, Billburg.com invites you to a "Williamsburg Walks" volunteer orientation session tonight.  Boricua College186 N. 6th St. (bet. Bedford & Driggs Aves.)Brooklyn RSVPs are encouraged, but not mandatory. RSVP to williamsburgwalks [at] […]

Speak Out at Tonight’s CB1 Meeting: Bikes Belong on Bedford

The removal of the Bedford Avenue bike lane in South Williamsburg this morning proceeded without any public input. Although the thermoplast has already been stripped away, the cause of safer streets will be better off if New Yorkers who ride this bike lane speak out strongly in response. It’s important, if you can make it, […]

Guerrilla Stripers Paint Back Bedford Avenue Bike Lane

Looks like some New Yorkers who bike on Bedford Avenue decided not to sit idly by after the city removed 14 blocks of bike lane in South Williamsburg. Multiple sources informed Streetsblog this morning that DIY, unofficial bike lane striping has appeared along the stretch of Bedford Avenue that was sandblasted last week. We don’t […]

Summer Streets Coming to Brooklyn This Weekend

Enjoying car-free Bedford Ave. during Williamsburg Walks 2008. Photo: acsweet/Flickr After today’s rain clears out, it looks to be a beautiful weekend for two Summer Streets events in Brooklyn. Starting tomorrow, Bedford Avenue from North 4th to North 9th Street will be open to pedestrians only on six Saturdays from noon to sunset. This year’s […]