Build a Livable Streets Knowledge Base. Contribute to StreetsWiki.

Since we launched the Livable Streets Network one month ago, our community-created reference site, StreetsWiki, has steadily grown. There are now 132 articles contributed and maintained by LSN users. Knowing Streetsblog’s audience, however, there’s a lot of expertise among our readers still waiting to be tapped.

Anyone with a Livable Streets account can contribute to StreetsWiki. Once you sign up, contributing is easy. You can either begin a new article, or edit an existing one. Say you want to add something — a case study, for instance — to the article on road diets. You would call up that page, then click "edit this article." This opens an editor, pictured below, with an interface similar to standard word-processing programs. Knowledge of HTML not required.


We’ll be featuring StreetsWiki articles regularly on Streetsblog. To get the juices flowing, here are a couple of suggestions for new content, given recent events we’ve covered: An update of the Public Bike-Sharing entry is in order, and a new entry for Select Bus Service would be a welcome addition.

The more we build this resource, developing a knowledge base that is both wide and deep, the more it will help livable streets advocates everywhere convey their ideas and refine their arguments.


Help Wanted: Streetswiki Writing Talent

Description: As a part of Streetsblog’s impending redesign we are launching a new web site called Streetswiki. Streetswiki is a free, web-based, community-created encyclopedia dedicated to sharing knowledge about sustainable transportation policies, practices and ideas from around the world. Like Wikipedia, its articles will be written and edited by anyone with a bit of unique […]

Wiki Wednesday: Parking Policy

When a coalition of public interest groups including Transportation Alternatives released the "Suburbanizing the City" report last month, we learned that, following current New York City parking policies, the construction of new off-street spaces is projected to result in over a billion additional miles driven per year by 2030. Startling as it was, this statistic […]

Welcome to the Livable Streets Network

After months of hard work by the outstanding tech team at The Open Planning Project, here’s the new web site. We hope you like the new design and that you’ll find the new features useful. A quick tour: The first thing you may want to do is sign up and become a member to take […]

Wiki Wednesday: Stub Patrol

Earlier this month "Wikis Take Manhattan" brought in thousands of photos for StreetsWiki and Wikipedia articles. As those shots are matched with their respective entries, we’d like to draw attention to a few StreetsWiki posts that could use fleshing out text-wise: Curb Cuts Street Wall Speed Bumps, Humps, and Cushions Sheridan Expressway Ghost Bikes To […]

Wiki Wednesday: Complete Streets

With all the brouhaha over Broadway Boulevard lately, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the concept of Complete Streets. In a recent StreetsWiki entry, Andy Hamilton gets back to the basics. A Complete Street is a roadway designed to safely accommodate all users — pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit riders, and those […]

Wiki Wednesday: Where’s the MTA?

Future StreetsWiki "Doomsday" graphic? It’s no April Fools Day joke: Somehow, Livable Streets Community members have yet to create a StreetsWiki article on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. It’s a heavy lift, for sure, but imagine the spin-off entries: Doomsday, The Fare Hike Four, bridge tolls, "so outside the box," MTA debt (with lead author Larry […]