Cartoon Tuesday: Memorial Day 2009?


Cartoon Tuesday: Captain Car-Free

Today is World Carfree Day, and though we somehow let it slip by us, NotionsCapital reappropriated this classic comic to promote events down DC way. They’re not super heroes per se, but in the livable streets universe, David Byrne, Janette Sadik-Khan and Paul Steely White are about as close as they come. You can catch […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Mode Switch

This number from cartoonist Bob Lafay makes a good companion to last week’s news that some bike models are in short supply throughout New York City, perhaps reflecting the effect of gas prices on manufacturers’ inventories. The panic subsides once you start pedaling.

Cartoon Tuesday Double Feature: Bike Tolls and Bridge Trolls

Editor’s note: With bike tolls being a hot topic recently, Streetsblog cartoonist, transportation engineer, and Loeb Fellow Ian Lockwood was inspired to submit two items for this installment of Cartoon Tuesday. Ian writes of the second toon: I kept thinking about the bike toll issue and came up with this cartoon. It’s strange how motorists […]