Cartoon Tuesday: Captain Car-Free


Today is World Carfree Day, and though we somehow let it slip by us, NotionsCapital reappropriated this classic comic to promote events down DC way.

They’re not super heroes per se, but in the livable streets universe, David Byrne, Janette Sadik-Khan and Paul Steely White are about as close as they come. You can catch them tonight at a free panel called "Cities, Bicycles and the Future of Getting Around" at the Union Square Barnes & Noble at 7 p.m.

Speaking of livable streets super heroes: any ideas? Bikeman? Woonerf Woman? Livable Streets League?


Cartoon Tuesday: Livable Streets Lessons From P.S. 87

This week’s ‘toon is a short Streetfilm of drawings from students at PS 87 on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, where Kim Wiley-Schwartz of the Livable Streets Education program asked kindergarteners, "What would you do if there were no cars in the street?" Livable Streets Education encourages students to explore and question the environments around their […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Draw Your Own Livable Street

This past weekend, Livable Streets Education teamed up with educators at the New York Transit Museum to teach families about the past, present, and future of New York City’s streets. With help from their parents, kids designed their own "livable streets" to improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders.  The kids also made some […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Pricing Post-Mortem Edition

Also particularly germane today is this CARtoon by Andy Singer, the first of what we plan to make a regular series on Streetsblog. Singer is a Minnesota-based cartoonist known in the livable streets universe for skewering car culture in strips like this one.

This Week: Lots of Livable Streets Action at Community Boards

This week, there are opportunities to support bike corrals, bike lanes, better bus service, and Safe Routes to Schools at community board meetings in Brooklyn and Queens. Plus: Two City Council committees are set to tackle pedestrian safety issues this week. Here are the highlights. Check the Streetsblog calendar for the full slate of events: Tuesday: The […]

Community Benefits Agreements: What Do They Mean for Livable Streets?

A rendering of the CBA-mandated walkable development slated for the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis. Image: UrbanWorks Architecture. Last week, Comptroller John Liu announced plans to convene a task force to study and issue recommendations about community benefits agreements in New York. While details on the task force are still forthcoming, the renewed public attention on […]