Video Contest Seeks Winning Pitch for Transit

Attention aspiring Streetfilm directors: U.S. PIRG has noticed that transit doesn’t seem to be on the radar of most pols, so it’s enlisting the YouTube generation to help lawmakers see the light. From the U.S. PIRG website:

Are you tired of being stuck in traffic? Shouldn’t we have better options? In the last decade, people went from spending 18 hours per year stuck in rush hour traffic delays to a whopping 38 hours. And as we all know, time spent stuck in traffic is time you never get back.

We want you to create your most persuasive video about why we need more and better public transportation. What’s your vision of a 21st century transportation system? We’ll use the winning videos to help decision-makers imagine a better future. Your video will be a critical part of an effort to educate city councils, legislatures across the country, and lawmakers in Washington, D.C.

Videos must be submitted by July 4th. A few are already online — Clarence, meet your competition.


“Atlantic Yards” Public Hearing

Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.New York City Technical College (Klitgord Auditorium)285 Jay Street, Brooklyn The New York State Urban Development Corporation, d/b/a Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) in conjunction with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), the City of New York, and affiliates of the Forest City Ratner Companies, including Atlantic Yards […]

Community Forum on Atlantic Yards

Tuesday, September 12, Time?NYC College of Technology, 285 Jay Steet, Brooklyn.Community Forum on Atlantic Yards Project. For more info, see Note: this is only a community forum. There is no requirement by the ESDC to record or respond to any public comments presented at this event. The official public hearing is August 23.

T.O.D. in Brooklyn: Turning Parking Lots into Housing

Some reading ahead of tomorrow’s big Transit-Oriented Development forum at NYU… Public attention is focused on Atlantic Yards and condo towers under construction or planned from DUMBO to Long Island City, but the Brooklyn real estate boom is having subtler but equally profound effects on neighborhoods just outside the radar, and these changes are tremendously beneficial from a regional planning perspective. […]

Traffic Mitigation Commission Public Hearings Announced

As part of its statutory mandate, the 17-member New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission is conducting a series of public hearings to be held in each borough, on Long Island, and in Westchester County. The purpose of the hearings is to take testimony from the public, and to obtain and review information and proposals […]

What Does American Exceptionalism Mean For Livable Streets?

Rush hour in Copenhagen. Photo: Complete Streets Coalition Is the United States exceptional? It’s a question that’s bedeviled activists and historians alike since the country was born 234 years ago this Sunday. It’s also a question that’s been bugging Barbara McCann, the executive director of the Complete Streets Coalition. She’s been at Velo-City, a bike […]