Here’s a TV Story With a Two-Wheeled Perspective on Biking in NYC

This story from the New Jersey-based TV show “Chasing News” is meant to have a light touch, but it does a better job explaining how streets work than most “straight” news reportage.

Correspondent Tamara Laine talks with safe streets advocates Ollie Oliver and Janet Liff about the need for protected bikeways on Fifth and Sixth avenues. She even goes for a ride on a Citi Bike to see firsthand how dangerous it is to dodge open car doors and double-parked vehicles.

The piece goes off on a tangent toward the end, but all in all it’s pretty great. Seriously, did you ever see Marcia Kramer on a bike?

We’ll be back on our regular publishing schedule Tuesday. Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend, everyone.



The $600 Protected Bike Lane

The first step to creating safer, more inclusive streets is to question the wisdom and permanence of the way things are. Here’s how folks in Minneapolis are helping people make that mental leap. The above video shows footage of the “pop-up” protected bike lane created by a community group called Bikeways for Everyone  during a […]

Bike-Share and Open Streets: A Perfect Match

Open streets events, or ciclovias, give people a new way to explore their city's streets. Without cars on the streets, they're a natural opportunity for people who don't usually ride a bike to hop on two wheels -- and that's precisely why it's important to include bike-share systems in the mix, says Stefani Cox at the Better Bike Share Partnership.

Rescuing New Ideas From the Purgatory of Old Bureaucracy

Your city may have a complete streets policy. Your mayor may say all the right things about making streets work for walking, biking, and transit. But if the inner workings of government — city budgets, agency protocols — aren’t set up to enable big street design breakthroughs, all you’ll get are scattershot improvements. Writing for Network blog Broken Sidewalk, Chris […]

Moving Beyond “Drive-to Urbanism”

What do you call a place where you can walk once you get there, but most people arrive in a car? Atlanta has plenty of these places, which Darin Givens at ATL Urbanist calls “drive-to urbanism.” Givens interviewed Atlanta planning commissioner Tim Keane on the subject. Here’s what Keane had to say about how Atlanta can get beyond “drive-to urbanism.” […]