This Week: Woodhaven Boulevard SBS — The Next Chapter

Select Bus Service on Woodhaven Boulevard will speed up travel times for 30,000 daily bus passengers and bring much-needed safety improvements to one of the city’s most dangerous roads.

Because it reallocates street space from cars to buses, the project has met some resistance that prompted DOT to scale back the initial plan. Despite those setbacks, the Woodhaven SBS project retains the promise of faster, more reliable bus service and significant pedestrian safety gains.

On Wednesday, DOT will hold the last of its most recent round of public meetings on the project. If you care about faster buses and safer crossings along Woodhaven Boulevard, make sure your voice gets heard.

Check the Streetsblog calendar for a full list of this week’s events. Here are the highlights:

Keep your eyes on the calendar for updates. Let us know if you have an event you’d like to see added.


Woodhaven Select Bus Service May Get Physical Separation in Some Areas

After unveiling the preferred design for six miles of the Woodhaven Boulevard Select Bus Service project earlier this week, DOT and MTA met yesterday with advocates, elected officials, and community board members to go into greater detail. The agencies are considering physical separation for bus lanes at key locations on Woodhaven, and they showed potential designs for the southern stretch of the project on Cross […]

DOT: Full Woodhaven Boulevard Upgrades Coming Sometime Next Decade

DOT and the MTA will roll out enhanced bus service on Woodhaven Boulevard in 2017, but several miles of the promised bus lanes won’t come until the 2020s, agency representatives said yesterday. While DOT says the Woodhaven overhaul will be built, the city is providing no certainty as to when the Department of Design and Construction will complete the street […]

Ulrich Back on Board With Woodhaven SBS After DOT Waters Down Turn Bans

DOT has halved the number of left-turn restrictions and cut about a mile of bus lanes from its plan to enhance bus service on Woodhaven Boulevard. The changes will dampen the expected improvements in bus speeds and pedestrian safety but have won over Council Member Eric Ulrich, who’s back on board supporting Woodhaven Select Bus Service. Most of the street […]

Eyes on the Street: New Bus Lanes Arrive on Woodhaven Blvd

It’s not quite Select Bus Service, but it’s a step in the right direction: A pair of long-awaited bus lanes are rolling out on Woodhaven Boulevard. Offset bus lanes, installed to the left of curbside parking, are being added to both sides of Woodhaven between Dry Harbor Road and Metropolitan Avenue, covering about 1.3 miles [PDF]. Streetsblog […]

This Week: Get Involved in Woodhaven Boulevard SBS

On Wednesday, DOT will hold a second workshop on Select Bus Service for Woodhaven Boulevard. The chair of the Community Board 9 transportation committee, Kenichi Wilson, told the Queens Courier last week that he opposes dedicated lanes for Woodhaven Boulevard buses, which he said would impede double parking in front of businesses and “create more congestion.” […]

The Case for Center-Running Bus Lanes on Woodhaven Boulevard

The proposal to improve bus service on Woodhaven Boulevard and Cross Bay Boulevard in Queens is the most exciting street redesign in the works in New York City right now, with the potential to break new ground for bus riders and dramatically improve safety. With as many as five lanes in each direction, Woodhaven Boulevard […]