This Week: Woodhaven Boulevard SBS — The Next Chapter

Select Bus Service on Woodhaven Boulevard will speed up travel times for 30,000 daily bus passengers and bring much-needed safety improvements to one of the city’s most dangerous roads.

Because it reallocates street space from cars to buses, the project has met some resistance that prompted DOT to scale back the initial plan. Despite those setbacks, the Woodhaven SBS project retains the promise of faster, more reliable bus service and significant pedestrian safety gains.

On Wednesday, DOT will hold the last of its most recent round of public meetings on the project. If you care about faster buses and safer crossings along Woodhaven Boulevard, make sure your voice gets heard.

Check the Streetsblog calendar for a full list of this week’s events. Here are the highlights:

Keep your eyes on the calendar for updates. Let us know if you have an event you’d like to see added.