Protected Bike Lanes Win TreeHugger Stamp of Approval

This classic StreetFilm by Clarence Eckerson, Jr., "The Case for Separated Bike Lanes" (original release date: February 17, 2007), is enjoying a renaissance this week. First, a post on TaketheTooker featured the film and sparked a discussion about the merits of bike lanes compared to riding in traffic. Then TreeHugger picked up the thread and posted a survey, asking whether protected lanes would encourage cycling. 

As of this writing, protected lanes enjoy a comfortable 73 percent approval rating, though the polls are still open.


As Citi Bike Expands, So Should NYC’s Protected Bike Lanes

When Citi Bike launched last year, ridership numbers quickly surpassed levels seen in other cities. New York’s system had a number of advantages — more stations, more bikes, more places to go, and more potential customers, for starters. But there’s another reason so many people felt comfortable hopping on the blue bikes: For years before […]