This Week: The Revised Plan for a Safer Meeker Avenue

After DOT presented a safety proposal for Meeker Avenue last month that did not include bike infrastructure, locals called for a more thorough plan. DOT is set to bring the updated proposal back to the CB 1 transportation committee on Tuesday.

This week’s action kicks off tonight, when Vornado looks to get support from Manhattan CB 5 to bring back last year’s public spaces experiments around Penn Station and make them permanent.

Here are the highlights — you’ll find more events on the Streetsblog calendar.

  • Monday: Vornado, the 34th Street Partnership, and DOT will seek a resolution from Manhattan CB 5 committee members in support of permanent public space improvements near Penn Station. 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Riders Alliance is bringing together Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, State Senator Dan Squadron, Assembly Member Walter T. Mosley, and MTA reps for a “C Train Full Line Review Q&A.” Sign up here to submit questions. 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday: DOT comes back to the Brooklyn CB 1 transportation committee with its proposal for changes along Meeker Avenue. DOT’s original proposal included no bike infrastructure. 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday: DOT comes back to the Brooklyn CB 8 transportation committee with a plan for east-west bike lanes and sharrows on St. Johns Place and Sterling Place in Prospect Heights and Crown Heights. 7 p.m.
  • Friday: Get your wonk on at a book talk about “Road Traffic Congestion: A Concise Guide.” 10 a.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Contact us if you have an event we should know about.


DOT’s Meeker Avenue Safety Plan Is, Well, Meek

Wow, someone on #bkcb1 asked @NYC_DOT “what about bicycles?” Terrible answer though: we didn’t think of ? because we didn’t think of ? — Mike Cherepko (@mikecherepko) January 13, 2016 DOT unveiled its plan for pedestrian safety improvements along Meeker Avenue in north Brooklyn at last night’s Community Board 1 meeting, but board members and […]

DOT’s Meeker Ave Safety Project Gets — You Guessed It — Meeker

DOT has watered down its safety plan for the area around Meeker, Union, and Metropolitan avenues. And for the second time in as many meetings, Brooklyn Community Board 1’s transportation committee could not make quorum last night to vote on the project. DOT’s plan calls for sidewalk extensions and crosswalks at several intersections where Meeker, Union, and […]

This Week: Big Votes on Bike Lanes for Amsterdam and Sixth Ave

Community boards are expected to vote on two major Manhattan street safety projects this week: protected bike lanes for Sixth Avenue and Amsterdam Avenue. There’s a lot more community board action in Brooklyn — so much that we couldn’t cram it all into this post. See the complete Streetsblog calendar for more events. Tuesday: DOT will present a plan for […]