Give to Streetsblog and You Could Win a Sweet Tern Folding Bike

Are you a regular Streetsblog reader? Do you count on our reporting to stay informed about policies that affect walking, biking, and transit? Do you value the work we do to explain streets and transportation issues and hold public officials accountable for their decisions?

If you do, please keep us going strong as we head into 2016 and make a tax-deductible year-end contribution.

Streetsblog relies on reader support to produce original reporting and commentary. We’re making the case day in and day out to repurpose street space from cars to people. We’re prodding public officials to do more for safe streets and better transit. And we’re amplifying the voices of neighborhood advocates who want to be able to walk and bike free from the fear of traffic.

Our work commands the attention of decision makers in government and opinion shapers in mass media, and your donations directly fund our work.

This year we have a great prize to raffle off to one lucky donor — a folding bike from Tern Bicycles. (Thank you Tern!) Make a tax-deductible gift before the end of the year and you’ll be entered to win this beauty, a Link D8:


If you’ve given before, continuing your support is essential. And if you’re giving for the first time, that’s going to make a big difference going forward. Thanks for your support and for making Streetsblog an effective voice for transforming our streets.


Give to Streetsblog and Streetfilms and Enter to Win a New PUBLIC Bike

As recently as 2007, there were no protected bike lanes in New York City, plans to enhance major bus routes were sitting on a shelf, and city transportation officials were still trying to do things like convert neighborhood commercial streets into high-speed traffic sewers. Streetsblog and Streetfilms helped change that. We raised expectations for our […]

This Is Your Last Chance to Support Streetsblog

Streetsblog’s spring pledge drive will end tonight at midnight and we need to go out with a bang. Please contribute today to support journalism and commentary that makes New York City streets safer and more sustainable. Just 60 more donations today and we’ll hit our target. So much has changed on NYC streets in the […]

Give to Streetsblog – You Could Win a Dahon Folding Bike

Here we are with a few weeks to go before bike-share launches in NYC, and the volume of nonsense floating around is staggering. The tabloids think public bikes are a menace to life on Earth, and the respectable press barely has a better grip on reality. Thank goodness there’s Streetsblog, right? Today we’re launching our […]

Keep the Momentum Going — Give to Streetsblog Today

Thank you to everyone who gave to Streetsblog and Streetfilms in the first week of our spring pledge drive. We need about 320 more donations to hit our target of 400 before June 1. Help us keep the momentum going and make a tax-deductible gift to support media that makes a difference for our streets. […]