State Senator’s Car is Towed During Congestion Pricing Meeting

Dilan2007NEWHEADSHOTBIO.jpgSources who wish not to be named send along the following story:

State Senator Martin Malave Dilan, who hasn’t yet come out in favor of congestion pricing despite the fact that only 2 percent of the people who live in his Brooklyn district are regular car commuters, was attending a congestion pricing
meeting at State DOT headquarters in Long Island City yesterday. When he exited the building, much to his
surprise, his personal car, a 1992 Mercury Capri with vanity plate “NYC67” was
missing. After some sleuthing he discovered the culprit: An NYPD tow truck
operator doing his job. Dilan had parked in a bus stop.

Dilan’s office declined to comment.


If Albany Lawmakers Don’t Go Back to Work, NYC Loses

Sounding frustrated, Mayor Bloomberg said in his radio address this weekend that it would be "absolutely ridiculous" for state lawmakers to leave hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to another city by rejecting New York City’s congestion pricing plan. Opponents of Mayor Bloomberg’s plan, like State Assembly Member Denny Farrell, a Democrat from Northern […]
In his "State of the City" speech on Monday, Mayor de Blasio said he'd soon release a plan to address growing congestion in the city. Photo: NYC Mayor's Office

4 Ways the Mayor Can Reduce Congestion Without Congestion Pricing

Mayor de Blasio's forthcoming congestion plan won't call for traffic pricing, but the mayor has plenty of other options to reduce traffic congestion. Here are four policies that would provide much-needed congestion relief on NYC streets -- it's difficult to imagine any City Hall traffic reduction initiative that doesn't include some of these ideas.