Still Time to Submit Jane Jacobs Medal Nominees

The deadline for submitting nominees for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal has been extended to Monday, Feb. 4.

As we wrote a couple of weeks ago, the award recognizes "two living individuals whose creative vision for the urban
environment has significantly contributed to the vibrancy and variety
of New York City." The medal comes with $200,000 in prizes.

Recipients will be people who:

  • Make New York City a place of hope and expectation that attracts new people and new ideas
  • Challenge traditional assumptions and conventional thinking
  • Promote dynamism, density, diversity and equity
  • Generate new principles for the way we think about development and preservation in New York City
  • Take a common sense approach to complex problems
  • Provide leadership in solving common problems
  • Respect neighborhood knowledge
  • Generate creative use of the urban environment
  • Demonstrate activism and innovative cross-disciplinary thinking
  • Give us new ways of seeing and understanding our city

The Jane Jacobs Medal is awarded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Here is the nomination form.


Who Are You Nominating for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal?

The Rockefeller Foundation has opened up the nomination process for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal. The deadline to submit a nomination is February 1. The award, launched last year, recognizes "two living individuals whose creative vision for the urban environment has significantly contributed to the vibrancy and variety of New York City." Last year, Transportation […]

Jane Jacobs Tribute Tonight

There will be a public celebration for Jane Jacobs this evening, 5:00 pm, under the arch in Washington Square Park. Lisa Chamerblain will be there and has a nice write-up on her blog, Polis: It has become the contrarian fashion to say that Jane Jacobs’ contribution to urban planning didn’t address many of the problems […]

Thank God for Jane Jacobs the Highway Slayer

Jane Jacobs’ legacy is so broad and complex I’m not going to attempt a big thinkpiece to mark her 100th birthday. In lieu of something long and wordy, I’ve got two short paragraphs and some images of the Robert Moses road monsters she slew in the 1960s. Car-centric planning was inimical to the things Jacobs valued most […]

Jane Jacobs: A Public Celebration

Jane Jacobs: A Public CelebrationWednesday, June 28 at 5:00 pm, rain or shine. Washington Square ParkMeet in front of the Arch, site of Jacobs’ first victory over Robert Moses. Speakers will represent different aspects of her life and work, journalism, environmentalism, economics, publishing, civic activism, the arts, and local business on Jane Jacobs’ impact and […]