Eyes on the Street: A Bike-Share Station With Bikes in It

Photo: ##https://twitter.com/KyleGiunta/status/328137042238271489##@KyleGiunta##

Over the weekend, @KyleGiunta posted this tantalizing photo of a Citi Bike station with bikes in it on Front Street in DUMBO. The bikes were docked for a photo shoot, not the imminent launch of the system (installations have reached as far up as the NYU area, the last we checked — still a lot more to go before they get to 59th Street), but this is the closest thing we’ve seen to the final look and feel of the stations. Note the angled docks, which come in handy when street width is scarce.


NYU Bike-Share Rolls Off Campus

NYU bike-share founder Lindsi Seegmiller gives a final check before students begin the program’s inaugural ride. Photo: NYU Photo Bureau. More than two dozen students braved 32-degree cold this Sunday for the launch of NYU’s bike-share program. The ride took them down Second Avenue and over the Manhattan Bridge to see some of Brooklyn’s new […]

Caption Contest: Customize This NYPost.com Bike Ad

Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick sends along this screen grab of a Linus Bikes ad recently served up to him on the New York Post’s website. It’s a testament to someone’s ad placement algorithms that this puppy can find its intended audience even on the site of a bike-hating rag like the Post. Here’s a thought […]