NYC’s “Flawed” Traffic Plan Brought to You by… Toyota

Grim picture: A screenshot from the CBS Channel 2 web site.

CBS’s Marcia Kramer adds some splatter paint to the Village Voice’s "grim picture of the state of civic engagement" on congestion pricing.

On Tuesday, her Channel 2 special investigative feature let us know that one guy in London has foiled that city’s congestion pricing cameras by using a fake license plate. Headline? "Bloomberg Wants to Bring Flawed London Plan to NYC." Oh, and by the way, 2007 Toyota’s are priced to move!

CBS 2’s award-winning political reporter tells us that "Londoners are now cloning license plates to avoid congestion fees" (note they’re not copying license plates — they’re "cloning" them. Terrifying!) She doesn’t tell us how widespread the practice is, how many people might be doing it or how it may be impacting a system that has reduced traffic congestion by 70,000 vehicles per day and is raising $250 million a year for mass transit (You’d think it would be easy for an award-winning investigative reporter to find this sort of information). Rather, Kramer gives some airtime to Westchester obstructionist Assembly member Richard Brodsky, incorrectly referring to him as "head of the Congestion Mitigation Commission."

After analyzing all of the public testimony delivered during the recent Traffic Mitigation Commission hearings, Environmental Defense’s Neil Giaccobi found that once New Yorkers "get into the details" of what congestion pricing is and how it works "they come around to it." But right now, most New Yorkers "fundamentally don’t understand what congestion pricing is."

Is it any wonder why?


Don’t Underestimate the Street Safety Benefits of Congestion Pricing

The primary benefits of the Move NY toll reform plan are reducing congestion and funding transit — but don’t overlook the huge potential to improve street safety. Recent research at Lancaster University in the UK suggests that since the introduction of the London congestion charge in 2003, lethal crashes have fallen faster than traffic congestion. The safety gains have even […]

Pricing Round-Up: Dems Conference in Albany

Assembly Democrats met behind closed doors last night to gauge their collective sentiment on congestion pricing. According to the Post, only seven of the 36 legislators who spoke during the meeting expressed support, but the one who matters most, Shelly Silver, remains uncommitted:  Silver, who has not voiced a public position on the issue, said […]

Compromise “Ruled the Day” at Congestion Pricing Hearings

#Persons %Persons Position 39 26% Support congestion pricing as proposed by Mayor Bloomberg in April 2007 PlaNYC proposal 46 31% Support the concept of pricing, have concerns and recommend changes/additions to Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal 13 9% Express serious concerns with the current proposal and offer suggestions for improvement 39 26% Oppose congestion pricing, suggest other […]

Congestion Pricing Can Help Save Working NYC Families $2,300 Per Year

Without congestion pricing, fare hikes will hit New York’s many transit-using families hard. Image: Ed Yourdon via Flickr. Without bold action from legislators to fund transit, middle-class New York families will have to spend $2,300 more per year to get around the city even as the quality of the service they’re paying for declines, according […]