The Speed Bump Catapault

Infuriated by reckless idiots speeding down your neighborhood street? Tired of waiting for city government to do something about it? Then you will probably enjoy this German guy’s homemade traffic-calming system, inspired, perhaps, by the legendary killer bollards of Manchester, England.

Are there any German speakers out there who can translate the text at the end?


Traffic Calming Animation of the Day: The Chicane

In the shortest, sweetest Streetfilm ever, a 24-second stop-motion animation, Elizabeth Press perfectly illustrates a chicane which is a sequence of bump-outs that force drivers to slow down and drive a more circuitous route along a straight, wide street. An added side benefit, chicanes also create more sidewalk space to be used for benches, tables, […]

Speed Hump

Cutting-edge European traffic calming techniques seem to be having a bit of an American zeitgeist moment. Two pieces of evidence: A German newspaper story about Hans Monderman, the Dutch traffic engineer who is, with great success, banishing signs, signals, stripes and all other forms of traffic governance at busy, complicated intersections earned a prominent link on the Drudge Report this weekend. And […]

Moving Beyond the Automobile: Traffic Calming

What’s the most effective way to make city streets safer? As Chicago Alderman Mary Ann Smith told Streetfilms, “Signs don’t do the job, even having police officers on the corner does not do the job.” To prevent traffic injuries and deaths, you need to change how the street functions and make it feel slower for […]

DOT Shows No Traffic Calming Ingenuity for Astoria’s Deadly 21st Ave

Astoria residents demanding a safer 21st Avenue. Image: Over the last six weeks, Astoria residents have made a strong push for a safer 21st Avenue, a street plagued by speeding cut-through traffic. In response to requests for traffic calming, NYCDOT recently sent what one resident called a "cryptic letter" explaining only that the street […]

Traffic Calming: Postcards from London

Judging by recent comments from some local pols, you’d think the addition of pedestrian spaces and bikeways in New York City has somehow thrown our streets out of whack. But what would our streets look like if we really did balance everyone’s needs and made them safe and functional for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists? In […]

Effective Traffic Calming Device: The Frisbee

From Sean Roche at the Newton Streets and Sidewalks blog: Want to slow traffic? Throw a frisbee across the street. That’s what six-year-old son of NS&S and I learned on Sunday. Please note that we did not throw the frisbee in front of traffic. We stopped throwing as soon as any car approached. But, our […]