Eyes on the Street: Return of the Guerrilla Separated Bike Lane

Photo: Ian Dutton

Brooklyn’s new guerrilla bike lane has a life of its own.

Last week we shared some pictures of a makeshift separated bike lane on the block of Bergen Street between Sixth Avenue and Flatbush Avenue, which is usually blocked by NYPD squad cars from the 78th Precinct. Enterprising local resident Ian Dutton had re-purposed some plastic construction posts to keep the cop cars out, and it worked until Con-Ed had to use the posts to steer traffic around some utility work again.

But lo and behold, after a weekend of heavy construction on this block, the posts are back protecting the bike lane, and there are more of them than ever. Ian says it wasn’t him this time. Either some beneficent Con-Ed workers are keeping an eye out, or there’s a new livable streets vigilante in town.


DOT Rolls Out the New Lower Manhattan Crosstown Bike Route

The street re-surfacing men and machinery were out in force in Soho last night. Houston Street Bike Safety Initiative Director Ian Dutton snapped this photo on Prince Street. Once the street is repaved, the Department of Transportation will stripe the hotly debated Prince and Bleecker Street bike lanes. Lower Manhattan’s newest east-west bike route is […]

Separated Bike Path Isn’t Gay Enough for CB4

Manhattan Community Board 4’s transportation committee unanimously approved DOT’s plan to install a physically-separated bike path on Eighth Avenue in Lower Manhattan. The committee enthusiastically recommended the plan to the full board on Wednesday. The board then voted to ignore their own committee and block the plan. Apparently, some members feel that complete streets and […]