This Week: Meet the DOT Traffic Taming Team

Tomorrow, DOT’s Citi Bike demonstration series comes to Union Square Park, while on Wednesday NYMTC brings you the pedestrian planners behind the new Grand Army Plaza and other traffic-calming projects. Details below, along with the rest of this week’s calendar highlights.

  • Tuesday: Bike-share demo, Union Square Park. Noon to 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday: The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council will hold a Brown Bag Lunch/Webinar, featuring a presentation by the NYC DOT Transportation Pedestrian Projects Group. 12 p.m. RSVP or webinar registration required.
  • Thursday: TA Southern Brooklyn Volunteer Subcommittee Meeting. Join the Southern Brooklyn sub-committee of the TA Volunteer Committee. This newly formed group is looking to make the streets of Southern Brooklyn safer for all users. 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


Tonight: DOT to Reveal Plans for a Safer Union Square

Image via NY1 Safer street conditions and more space for pedestrians and cyclists could soon be coming to Union Square under a plan to be unveiled by DOT today. We haven’t gotten our hands on the drawings yet, but media reports say that by Labor Day, East 17th Street between Broadway and Park Avenue South, […]

This Week: Parking Reform, Safer Lafayette Avenue

In 1982, the city established off-street parking maximums in much of Manhattan to reduce traffic congestion. Since then, the maximums have served as an effective check on driving in the densest part of the region, but loopholes enable developers to skirt the rules almost at will. On Wednesday, the Department of City Planning will present […]

This Week: Bike-Ped Projects Cram the Calendar Tomorrow

Tuesday is a big day for street safety projects in Brooklyn and Queens, with community board meetings about bike lanes and pedestrian improvements. On Wednesday, Manhattanites will have the opportunity to weigh in at the first of two Vision Zero workshops in the borough. For the full complement of events, check the Streetsblog calendar. Here are the […]

This Week: Bike-Share, Ped Safety, Memorial Ride and Walk

Community boards in Manhattan and Brooklyn will host three bike-share planning workshops this week, and will take up traffic calming and pedestrian safety in Soho. Staten Island SBS and NYMTC long-range bike-ped planning are also on the agenda. The week ends with the annual memorial for fallen New York cyclists. Tuesday: Manhattan Community Board 1 […]