This Week: Bike-Share Demonstrations

With the launch of Citi Bike getting closer, this week’s calendar is all about bike-share demos. Plus: Time’s Up! celebrates a milestone.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


Eyes on the Street: Bike-Share Demo on Hudson Greenway

Bob Burns, president of B-cycle, at right, shows off a rental station. Photo: Ben Fried Denver bike-share firm B-cycle has set up a demo station at Pier 84 on the Hudson River Greenway. Reps should be there until around 5:00 today. B-cycle is a cooperative of Humana, Trek, and PR firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky. […]

This Week: Bike-Share Demonstrations, Taxi Forum

It’s a light week on the calendar, with a forum on taxis and livery cabs and more DOT bike-share demonstrations, including a session at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, where NIMBYs want to keep cyclists out. Tuesday: Baruch College hosts a legislative forum entitled “Taxi & Livery Issues of Today & Tomorrow,” featuring state reps Marty Golden […]

Tomorrow, You Can Take Bike-Share for a Test Ride

For the next few weeks DOT and Alta Bike Share will be setting up bike-share demonstration kiosks where New Yorkers can see how it all works and try out the sturdy, three-speed bikes that will be available at 600 stations once the system is up and running. The next demo is coming up tomorrow in […]

The $600 Protected Bike Lane

The first step to creating safer, more inclusive streets is to question the wisdom and permanence of the way things are. Here’s how folks in Minneapolis are helping people make that mental leap. The above video shows footage of the “pop-up” protected bike lane created by a community group called Bikeways for Everyone  during a […]