This Week: The Bronx Talks Transit-Oriented Development

Last April, the federal government announced a $3.5 million grant to a consortium of New York and Connecticut governments to promote transit-oriented development. In New York City, planning is focused on commuter rail stations in the Bronx and East New York. Tonight, HUD Regional Director Adolfo Carrión hosts a town hall meeting to gather public input on how to shape growth in the Bronx. Later in the week, Governor Cuomo hosts what is sure to be a fascinating presentation on public-private partnerships — but it will be closed to the press.

  • Tonight: Adolfo Carrión hosts a town hall meeting in the Bronx to discuss the ongoing efforts, funded by the federal government, to promote transit-oriented development around the borough’s Metro-North stations. 6:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday: DOT brings its bike-share demonstration to the Port Authority Bus Terminal, showing commuters the new transit option they’ll have access to later this year. 3:00 p.m.
  • Friday: Andrew Cuomo hosts his fellow Democratic governors for a conference promoting public-private partnerships in infrastructure construction. 8:00 a.m.
  • Saturday: DOT’s bike-share demo moves down to the Lower East Side’s Essex Street Market. 12:00 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


A Bronx Cheer for Congestion Pricing

At a press conference today, a group of Bronx and northern Manhattan elected officials have signed on in support of Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing effort. They are: Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion Assembly member Michael Benedetto Assembly member Adam Clayton Powell IV Bronx Democratic Chair and Assembly member Jose Rivera. Council member James Vacca. Council […]

First Order of Business for Carrión: Bike to the White House Day?

Here’s newly appointed White House director of Urban Affairs Adolfo Carrión back in his Bronx Borough President days, striking a pose with Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick in 2006. The picture was snapped on Bike to Work Day, which Carrión observed every year by sponsoring a ride. Overall, his record as an urbanist left much to […]

Carrion Supports Congestion and Congestion Pricing

Last week AMNY ran a profile of Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, Jr., playing on the angle that he may make a run for mayor in two years. The piece is mostly flattering, but does make mention of Carrion’s controversial support for the new Yankee Stadium, which, as Streetsblog readers are probably sick of hearing […]

Carrion Gets $30K Donation Following Yanks Walkway Deal

The Village Voice is reporting that Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion received $30,000 in campaign contributions from a firm that scored a $5 million air rights agreement for a pedestrian bridge to the new Yankee Stadium.  Last summer the city agreed to pay $5 million to construct part of a pedestrian walkway to the new […]

HUD Grant Will Lay the Groundwork for TOD in New York and Connecticut

From Suffolk County to New Haven, the communities of New York and Connecticut are planting the seeds for a serious investment in transit-oriented development in the years ahead. Funded by a $3.5 million grant from HUD’s Sustainable Communities program, nine cities, two counties and six regional planning organizations have come together to develop regional plans […]