First Order of Business for Carrión: Bike to the White House Day?

Here’s newly appointed White House director of Urban Affairs Adolfo Carrión back in his Bronx Borough President days, striking a pose with Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick in 2006. The picture was snapped on Bike to Work Day, which Carrión observed every year by sponsoring a ride.
Overall, his record as an urbanist left much to be desired, with a notable soft spot for parking-heavy development projects. It remains to be seen exactly what the Urban Affairs post will coordinate, but Carrion is dropping hints that land use and transportation will be part of the mix. Reports the Washington Post:
Carrión said he would help coordinate urban policy in traditional areas
such as education, health care and public safety. But he also said he
would look to develop urban neighborhoods in environmentally thoughtful
ways, such as by offering incentives for companies to locate in densely
populated areas and improving mass transit.