Panel: Sustainable NYC: Congestion Pricing

The Wagner Transportation Association invites you to learn about the policy and planning issues behind New York City’s proposed congestion pricing plan. Panelists represent a variety of positions and will discuss congestion pricing from the perspectives of  traffic management, public transit, the economy, and the American Automobile Association.  Come learn about the specifics of the proposed plan, the theory of road pricing, existing congestion pricing examples, and the challenges to transportation policy and planning for New York City.

Lunch will be served.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Moderator:  Allison de Cerreño – Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management
  • Panelist:  Prof. Robert Paaswell – Director, University Transportation Research Center Region 2, CUNY
  • Panelist: Gene Russianoff – Staff Attorney, Straphanger’s Campaign
  • Panelist: Prof. John Falcocchio – Director, Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems Center (ITS), Polytechnic University
  • Panelist:  Robert Sinclair – The American Automobile Association


Sadik-Khan and Congestion Pricing: Ready for Prime Time

 Janette Sadik-Khan has one week to go before taking over as the city’s new transportation commissioner. Not surprisingly, a public appearance Friday found her well prepared to push Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC congestion pricing program. Pressed into service for the Regional Plan Association’s day-long 17th Annual Regional Assembly, held at the swank Waldorf-Astoria, Sadik-Khan served as […]

Congestion Pricing Plan Includes a “Livable Streets Lock Box”

There is a nice surprise for City Council, neighborhood groups and transportation reformers in the congestion pricing plan approved by the Traffic Mitigation Commission yesterday. On page 8 of the plan, in a section called "Securing of parking revenues," the commission proposes dedicating all revenue raised within the congestion pricing zone from additional parking meter […]

Congestion Pricing: What’s the Deal?

Nobody knows whether the convoluted and difficult congestion pricing "deal" reached by political leaders yesterday will actually result in anything. The deal is complex even by Albany standards. A few things, however, are clear: Mayor Bloomberg does not have a "green light" to move forward with congestion pricing, nor has he been granted any new […]