Shelly Won’t Say Where He Fell Off His Bike

Strange development in the Sheldon Silver bike fall story. Yesterday, through a spokesman, the Assembly Speaker explained bruises and cuts on his face by saying he hit a pothole while biking. But the location and time of the bike crash in question are a mystery, and Raymond Hernandez at the Times reports that Silver has clammed up about it:

Mr. Silver has declined to tell reporters or local officials where the accident took place, or when. (Mr. Silver was in Puerto Rico last week for a conference of New York’s Hispanic lawmakers, and it remains unclear whether the accident took place there or somewhere else.

But he was in no mood to discuss his accident. Asked outside the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington about how he bruised his face, he said only, “I fell off a bike.”

And when asked where the mishap occurred, he quickly ended the conversation. “What difference does it make?” he said, waving his hand as he walked away.

Very odd.