Bike Lane Chat With the Daily News Now Underway

Okay, today’s bike lane debate is about to get started. You can participate over here.


Today at Noon: Bike Lane Debate at the Daily Politics

Today at noon I’ll be venturing over to the Daily News’ Daily Politics blog to participate in a live chat about bike lanes. The debate, which the Daily News has assigned the unfortunate title “Bike Lanes: Good or Evil,” was prompted by the paper’s editorials on cyclists using the wrong side of the Manhattan Bridge […]

What We Learned From the Daily News Bike Lane Debate

Earlier today I participated in a live chat debate on the topic of bike lanes, hosted and moderated by Celeste Katz. The chief sparring partner for supporters of bike lanes was Alex Nazaryan, who sits on the paper’s editorial board and joined a group of cyclists for an uneventful ride across the Manhattan Bridge the […]

Thompson, Avella Pledge to Dump Sadik-Khan If Elected

Tony Avella and Bill Thompson. Photo: Daily News. I didn’t get to watch last night’s Democratic mayoral debate between Bill Thompson and Tony Avella, so I missed the high drama that ensued when the candidates were asked if they’ll retain Janette Sadik-Khan as transportation commissioner. Good thing Brian Lehrer played excerpts on his show this […]

Ten Things NBBL Doesn’t Want You to Know

If opponents of an effective street safety project repeat dishonest distortions about it often enough, does that make their position true? Apparently, the Daily News editorial board thinks so. An opinion piece they published over the weekend on the Prospect Park West bike lane might as well have come straight from the desk of Gibson […]

Eyes on the Street: Drivers Can Now Park All Over the E 38th Street Bike Lane

Mere weeks after installing a parking-protected bike lane on East 38th Street in Marine Park, DOT removed the protection, caving to complaints about the narrower roadway even though the motor vehicle lane was still a roomy 12 feet wide. Streetsblog reader Jeffrey Diamond shot this video of how the bike lane, which is part of a project designed to improve bike access to the Jamaica […]