City to Unveil ‘Look’ Bike Safety Campaign

The New York City Department of Transportation will announce its anticipated new bike safety initiative at noon today in the South Plaza of Union Square. 

From Transportation Alternatives

Transportation Alternatives is proud to be part of New York City’s
first citywide education campaign targeting cyclists and motorists,
which will be officially launched later today. Developed pro bono by
international advertising agency Publicis in the West (Seattle) and
installed by the City of New York, the ads on bus shelters, buses, taxi
tops and phone kiosks will urge drivers and cyclists to "Look" for one
another and to share the road.

The citywide awareness campaign was sparked by the tragic death of
Liz Byrne, a city cyclist who was struck and killed by a truck in
September 2005. Liz was a longtime NYC bike rider and freelancer who
worked with Publicis’ NYC office. Her tragic death motivated her sister
and colleagues from Publicis to contact Transportation Alternatives in
October 2005 and offer their pro bono services on a massive safety and
education campaign. At the same time, the newly released Bike Safety
Action Plan, authored by Transportation Alternatives and the NYC
Bicycle Coalition, called for several strong initiatives to improve
city cycling and demanded the City:

"With guidance from experienced street safety advocates, develop and implement a Public Awareness Campaign to curb dangerous driving and educate drivers about cyclists’ rights to the streets."

"Look" represents a collaboration between T.A., the New York City
Bicycle Coalition, the City Departments of Transportation, Health and
Police, the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission and the Office of the
Public Advocate.

T.A. and the NYC Bicycle Coalition continue to press the City to
implement the entire Bike Safety Action Plan, including more aggressive
enforcement of illegal driving and developing stronger bike lane


Envisioning a “Complete Concourse” South of 162nd Street

Will DOT go big with its redesign of the Grand Concourse? Last week the agency said it will “replace and upgrade existing bike lanes” on the Concourse, which gives an indication of what’s in store north of 162nd Street, but not to the south, where the street has no bike lanes. Transportation Alternatives’ “Complete the Concourse” […]

Cyclist Injuries Continue to Fall, Even as More New Yorkers Ride

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DOT and TLC Unveil New Anti-Dooring Video and Decal

At a press conference at Union Square this morning, DOT and the Taxi and Limousine Commission announced another facet of the LOOK! campaign, a new video and a decal reminding taxi passengers to exit on the curb side and check for cyclists before opening cab doors. DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson and […]