This Week: Talk to NYPD About the Central Park Bike Crackdown

Lots of cycling-related events this week, beginning with tonight’s Central Park Precinct meeting and wrapping up with the TA Bike Shop Blitz. It’s not on the calendar, but also today the city is expected to unveil its plans to improve bus service and pedestrian safety on 34th Street.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


Tonight: Ask NYPD for a Return to Sanity in Central Park

Major crimes in Central Park may be up by 50 percent, but that hasn’t stopped significant resources from being spent on the ongoing NYPD crackdown targeting recreational cyclists in the park. Precinct officers are stopping cyclists for a variety of infractions, including spot equipment checks for missing bells and lights, but most notoriously are handing […]

Hundreds Ask NYPD to Cease Irrational Bike Crackdown in Central Park

A crowd of 300 people, outraged at a police ticket blitz that threatens to effectively eliminate Central Park as a place of recreation for cyclists, ran into an unyielding blue wall at last night’s meeting of the Central Park Precinct’s community council. The precinct commander, Captain Philip Wishnia, offered no hope that his precinct’s enforcement […]

A Tale of Intimidation From the NYPD Bike Crackdown

A week after NYPD announced that the agency will be stepping up its enforcement of cyclists, stories are starting to trickle in to our inbox and the comments section about encounters with cops on bike detail. Reader Greg, who asked to go by his first name only, wrote in to share his experience in Central […]

NYPD’s Selective Approach to Selective Enforcement in Central Park

NYPD’s official stance on traffic violations committed by cyclists in Central Park is one of zero tolerance. At least that’s the word from Captain Philip Wishnia, commander of the Central Park Precinct, who met with the parks and preservation committee of Community Board 7 this week. The West Side Spirit reports that when committee members […]