This Week: Transit Love, Taxis and TOD

Start your week off by sending a valentine to New York’s transit system, and then enjoy some intellectual conversation about the future of the taxi and the promise of transit-oriented development.

Today: Happy Valentine’s Day. Join Transportation Alternatives, the Transit Workers Union, WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the Straphanger’s Campaign at three different subway stations to sign a valentine expressing your love for our transit system, which they’ll deliver to Albany. 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday: TLC Commissioner David Yassky sits down with NYU’s Mitchell Moss to discuss the future of taxis in New York City. 8:30 a.m.

Also Tuesday: T.A.’s East Side committee continues to attend local police precinct community councils, this time the East Village’s 9th precinct, and make the case for traffic enforcement targeted at the deadliest road users: dangerous drivers. 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Columbia urban planning professor David King talks transit-oriented development, clean air and climate change with NYMTC, New York’s metropolitan planning organization. 12:00 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.



America Already Has a Stratified Transportation System

The emergence of app-based taxis and private city bus services has prompted a lot of handwringing about the emergence of a “two-tiered” or “stratified” transportation system. Network blog Cap’n Transit doesn’t have much patience for that argument. America’s transportation system is already highly stratified, and it’s hard to see how the new services will make that situation worse: If you go to […]

Can Ride-Hailing Apps Become More Like Buses and Less Like Taxis?

A big part of reducing car traffic involves using cars more efficiently. Ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft are supposedly assisting in this transition by making car ownership less necessary. But even though both companies operate carpool-type services, most of their business still comes from single passenger trips. Other ride-hailing companies are all about shared trips. Network blog Cap’n Transit has […]

Moving Beyond the Automobile: Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) provides faster and more efficient service than an ordinary bus system. While a proper BRT route operates like a surface subway, the cost is much lower. In the latest installment of “Moving Beyond the Automobile,” Streetfilms explains the key features of bus rapid transit around the world and how BRT helps […]

How About a Transit System Where No One Has “No Good Options”?

A lengthy FiveThirtyEight article today by Nate Silver and Reuben Fischer-Baum crunches some data to arrive at two major insights: First, New Yorkers use Uber much like they use taxis, and second, for-hire cars are used primarily by well-off New Yorkers to supplement transit in close-in neighborhoods, not to replace car ownership in the outer boroughs. The best part of the […]