Take the PPW Bike Lane Survey

We’ve got an addendum to today’s news about Prospect Park West bike lane demonstrations. City Council members Brad Lander and Steve Levin have put up a survey to see what their constituents think of the re-designed street. The questions get pretty detailed but it only takes a few minutes to fill out.

In related news, John del Signore at Gothamist is reporting that one Leslie Sicklick will be out on First Avenue and 14th Street tomorrow afternoon at 5 p.m. to protest the addition of protected bike lanes and pedestrian refuges in the East Village. Ms. Sicklick says she’s invited TV crews and newspaper reporters to capture her displeasure at the loss of parking spaces and car lanes to make way for this:

Photo: DNAInfo
Photo: ##http://www.dnainfo.com/20100816/lower-east-side-east-village/east-village-stores-that-cater-cabbies-bitter-about-new-bike-lanes##DNAInfo##


Bike Lanes Mean Business

The East Village and Lower East Side have seen new bike infrastructure flourish in the past few years, and now have some of the best city bicycling infrastructure in the country, including what will soon be the nation’s longest protected bike lanes on First and Second Avenues, several on-street bike corrals, and, coming next spring, […]

Eyes on the Street: The Nascent First Avenue Bike Lane

The beginnings of the First Avenue protected bike lane, at St. Mark’s Place. Photo: Ben Fried It’s not finished yet, but some segments of the First Avenue bike lane are quite rideable. I used about eight blocks of it this weekend. This Saturday, I was able to bike from my apartment in Prospect Heights to […]

DOT’s Latest Missed Opportunity for Protected Bike Lanes

Eighth Street, which cuts eastbound across Greenwich Village just above Washington Square Park, had two traffic lanes until recently. A road diet by the Department of Transportation dropped it to one lane and added new pedestrian crossings. Left out of the redesign: bike lanes. Instead, there are “extra-wide parking lanes” that also accommodate double-parked drivers. Last November, the plan […]