Walking Tour: Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York: Cities Are for People


In conjunction with a new exhibition, Jane Jacobs and the Future of New York, eight walking tours will take participants to places associated with Jane Jacobs’ life and work and to communities that illustrate her planning principles — or call them into question. This is the second.

Cities Are for People
Jane Jacobs cycled to her job in midtown at Architectural Forum during the 1950s. See the area as she did, considering her views of 20th century urban planning, from the creation of Rockefeller Center to the Seagram Building, as well as Paley Park, an urban oasis that both challenged and validated her philosophy.

Leader: Matt Postal, architectural historian.


Jane Jacobs Today

Jane Jacobs’ ideas redefined urban planning, and her hometowns of New York and Toronto are among many cities that continue to feel the impact of her writings. The American Planning Association’s New York Metro Chapter, the Canadian Consulate General, and NYU Wagner will present a panel exploring the importance, meaning, and influence of her work, […]