Eyes on the Street: Motorist Wrecks Brooklyn Monument to Slain Veterans

A reader alerted us to this video taken just before midnight yesterday. The scene is at Bartel Pritchard Square, the traffic circle in Brooklyn where Prospect Park West meets 15th Street and Prospect Park Southwest. Apparently the driver of this black BMW was proceeding south on PPW carelessly enough not to notice the trees, benches, and enormous granite war monument in the center of the circle. We’re following up with NYPD to see if anyone was hurt.

Pedestrians and cyclists are much less exposed to speeding since the PPW bike lane went in, and thank God people are shielded from this insanity when they ride on PPW now. Enforcement needs to take care of the hardcore scofflaws that remain.

Here’s the monument in better days:

Photo: bridgeandtunnelclub
Photo: ##http://www.bridgeandtunnelclub.com/bigmap/brooklyn/prospectpark/bartelpritchard/index.htm##bridgeandtunnelclub##


Eyes on the Street: Don’t Drive Like a Maniac

It’s that time of year: DOT is breaking out electronic signage at dangerous locations throughout the city, warning drivers to slow down and obey the speed limit. Speeding was the top cause of traffic deaths in New York City last year. The first electronic sign installed this year went in at Atlantic Avenue and Clinton Street in […]

Eyes on the Street: First Signs of Greenway Construction on West Street

More than three years after it was approved by Brooklyn Community Board 1’s transportation committee, construction on the West Street segment of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is finally underway. The Department of Design and Construction confirmed that current work on West Street is related to the greenway. The project will turn West Street into a one-way […]

Eyes on the Street: Prospect Park, Brooklyn

A Streetsblog tipster notices that Prospect Park motorists seem to be unindoctrinated in the ways of the Litterbug: Since I have been training for this half marathon, I have been doing more running in Prospect Park than bike riding the last few weeks. Each of the last three times I have run in the park […]