Brooklyn-Queens Vortex Open Thread

Photo: Jessica Winograd
Fifth Avenue at Degraw Street, Brooklyn. Photo: Jessica Winograd

The extreme weather event that ripped through parts of Brooklyn and Queens early this evening has left an impressive trail of destruction on sidewalks, streets, and yards — felling trees, crushing cars and probably bending a few bike frames. Service on the 7 train and the LIRR from Penn Station had to be suspended.

I watched the storm from Manhattan and rode home to Brooklyn at around 10:30. The bike right-of-way on Vanderbilt Ave was pocked with sludgy wet leaf matter and twigs. Even though I was on a heavy bike with fat tires, it was still kinda nerve-wracking. The occasional tree or enormous branch lying across the whole road seemed easier to handle — at least the cars had to slow down for those too. Ride carefully on Friday, folks.


Caption Contest: Not Commenting About the [Expletive] Bike Lane

This was the scene in Jackson Heights yesterday, where Mayor Bloomberg, Anthony Weiner, and the top dog on Prospect Park West, Senator Chuck Schumer, joined a bevy of other pols to contest the surprisingly low Census counts in Brooklyn and Queens. (That’s Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez between Bloomberg and Schumer.) During the presser, the Senator was […]

This Week: Community Board Action in Brooklyn and Queens

DOT will make presentations for street improvements in Brooklyn and Queens this week, and Transportation Alternatives will hold a community board sign-up in Staten Island. Here are the calendar highlights — a lot the action is packed into Tuesday: Tuesday: City & State and the Rockefeller Foundation will host the “NYC Transportation of Tomorrow” forum, […]

In Memoriam

For as long as anyone can remember, New York City has treated most drivers who kill other people as unwitting players in someone else’s tragedy. With a new mayoral administration and the advent of Vision Zero, 2014 was to be the year the city began in earnest to hold reckless motorists, including those whose negligence would ordinarily […]

In Memoriam

As of this writing New York City is on track to break the record for the lowest number of pedestrians killed by motorists in a year. The current low mark of 132 139 deaths was set in 2014, the first year of Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative. Assuming the official numbers bear it out, the de Blasio […]

In Memoriam

If anyone can put a stop to the suffering and death wrought by reckless New York City motorists, she will be a grieving mother. Time and again in 2013, parents were left to cope with incomprehensible loss at the hands of a driver abetted by a legal system that facilitates, if not condones, his negligence. […]