This Week: Tell State DOT to Tear Down the Sheridan

Most of the action is packed into two days this week, with the MTA holding its often-colorful public hearings — this time on the issue of station agents — on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday also brings an opportunity to tell the state DOT to tear down the Sheridan Expressway, the "highway to nowhere" that South Bronx community groups want to turn into housing, mixed-use development, and parks. And, also on Wednesday, Manhattan Community Board 3 discusses who should get to park in bike lanes. 

  • Tuesday: NYSDOT presents three alternatives for the Sheridan Expressway, including removing the highway altogether, at a meeting of the Sheridan stakeholder’s committee. 6 p.m. 
  • Also Tuesday: The MTA will hold two of four public hearings on its proposal to reduce the number of station agents at 44 subway stations and to reduce station agent hours at 42 locations. Manhattan and Queens, 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday: Manhattan Community Board 3’s Transportation Committee discusses whether school buses should be allowed to park in bike lanes, as Access-a-Ride vans are currently allowed to do. Also, DOT will give a presentation on the Safe Streets for Seniors program in Chinatown. 6:30 p.m.
  • Also Wednesday: The MTA’s station agent public hearings continue in Brooklyn and the Bronx. 6 p.m.
  • Sunday: An epic ride along the 40 miles of what could/should become the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway. 10 a.m.
  • All weekendWeekend Walks in Brownsville, Bushwick, the Lower East Side, and Sunset Park.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


One More Reason to Tear Down the Sheridan Expressway

The Post reported last week that the Cross-Bronx Expressway — perhaps the most infamous urban freeway on the planet — has earned the title "America’s worst highway." According to traffic analysis firm INRIX, several of the nation’s top bottlenecks are located on the Cross-Bronx: Westbound exits at the Sheridan Expressway rank third worst, White Plains […]

Mr. Gee, Tear Down This Highway

Here’s a scenic shot of the Sheridan Expressway in the South Bronx during the evening "rush," courtesy of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign and the advocates behind the Southern Bronx River Watershed Alliance. Even in the peak direction, reports Tri-State’s Steven Higashide, the Moses-era relic is barely used at all: The gaps in the traffic weren’t […]

Advocates: State DOT Analysis Engineered to Preclude Sheridan Teardown

The Sheridan Expressway runs only 1.25 miles between the Cross-Bronx and Bruckner Expressways. This option, one of two remaining alternatives, would remove it entirely. Image: NYSDOT At a public meeting last night, the state Department of Transportation released a traffic analysis of the proposal to tear down the Sheridan Expressway, the Moses-era "highway to nowhere" […]

Tonight: Learn All About Tearing Down the Sheridan

With a new administration at the state DOT, now is a critical moment for the fight to tear down the under-used Sheridan Expressway and turn the area into new housing, jobs, and public space. Tonight, bring your questions and ideas to a town hall hosted by the South Bronx River Watershed Alliance. SBRWA will make […]