Eyes on the Street: If You Build It, They Will Sit

bus_bulb_benches1.jpgA Soho shopper takes a break on a new bench between the sidewalk and the bus bulb. Construction’s still underway on this block. Photo: Paco Abraham

A couple weeks ago, we showed how the bus bulbs on Lower Broadway were being integrated with the sidewalk next to them. For drainage reasons, a small gap and a large fence had separated the two pedestrian spaces, but DOT capped the gap with a small grate and replaced the fence with benches. That work’s now largely complete and Streetsblog reader Dave "Paco" Abraham sent along these pics of Soho pedestrians taking advantage of their new public space. There’s a lot more breathing room on a stretch of sidewalk that’s often packed and it looks like people appreciate it. 

bus_bulb_benches2.jpgAt this time of day, bench users didn’t seem to be waiting for the bus. Photo: Paco Abraham.

This’ll be our last post for the day, so see you on Tuesday and have a great Fourth of July.


Eyes on the Street: The Bus Bulb at the Nexus of the Universe

Thanks to @J_uptown for tipping us off to this transit enhancement in the making (and providing the Seinfeld-inspired headline). The fresh sidewalk addition here is a bus bulb for Select Bus Service on First Avenue. When it’s in working order, bus drivers won’t have to pull over to the curb to pick up and drop off […]

Quick Bus and Ped Improvements Coming to Lower Broadway

Nope, that’s not Lower Manhattan. It’s an example of a "bus bulb" in Edgewater, Chicago, a neighborhood known for its thoughtful planning and pedestrian-friendly streets. Tomorrow, the Department of Transportation will make the first public announcement of its Lower Manhattan Transit Priority Plan. We don’t have all of the details but the redesign plan for […]

Eyes on the Street: Bus Lanes Are Coming to Webster Avenue

The Bronx is set to receive its second Select Bus Service route along Webster Avenue and Melrose Avenue. Within a quarter-mile of the route, 61 percent of residents commute by transit, according to DOT, and nearly three-quarters of households are car-free. While buses won’t run in the center lanes — an alignment that Chicago is […]

Paco Abraham Turns Duane Reade on to Bike Racks

Yesterday DOT announced it is seeking submissions for the first ever bike-friendly business awards. This being the week of Earth Day, a few bike-positive firms have come to our attention recently — Macy’s, W Hotels, J Crew — but the most substantial business-led effort to improve the city’s cycling environment this year may have come […]