A Conversation with Congressman Anthony Weiner on Energy and the Environment

All are welcome to join Solar One for a conversation with Congressman Weiner about energy independence, climate change, traffic and a host of other pertinent green subjects of local, national and global significance. The discussion and subsequent audience Q&A will be moderated by Solar One Outreach Coordinator Chris Neidl.

Since 1998, former City Council member Anthony Weiner has represented New York’s 9th District (Brooklyn and Queens) in the U.S. House of Representatives. Over the course of his tenure, Congressman Weiner has distinguished himself as an aggressive proponent of progressive energy and environmental legislation, earning a 100% League of Conservation Voter rating in 2006. In 2005, running on a broad quality of life platform, Weiner competed in the highly competitive NYC Democratic mayoral primary. This year, the Congressman broke with many prominent local transportation and environmental activists by opposing the Mayor’s controversial congestion pricing plan and favoring alternative approaches.


Seriously, Why Is Anthony Weiner So Terrified of Bike Lanes?

If Anthony Weiner has anything in common with his mentor Chuck Schumer, it is that he thrives on attention. And now that he’s created a niche for himself on the national stage as the unapologetic, in-your-face liberal congressman from Noo Yawk, he’s apparently gained a following of disaffected young Democrats who don’t necessarily feel represented […]

Weiner Says New York Drivers Should Be Exempt From Tolls

Congressman Anthony Weiner released his own MTA rescue plan today. As if that in itself weren’t surprising enough, the outspoken toll opponent has modified his position, sort of. City Room reports: [Weiner] said on Monday that making new tolls — which he would set at $4.15 — payable only by non-city residents would be a […]

Weiner Says Pricing Shows “Stunning Political Naivete”

The Daily Politics reports that Congressman Anthony Weiner is ramping up for an imminent mayoral bid by crediting Michael Bloomberg with "put[ting] the last nail in the coffin to the notion that New York City is ungovernable." But at the same time, during an appearance at Kingsborough Community College today, Weiner tried to score points […]

Weiner: There’s No Need for “Warfare Over Bike Lanes”

Queens Congressman Anthony Weiner has edged a little closer to clarifying his now-infamous “tearing out your [expletive] bike lanes” remark. Though he previously seemed to confirm what many suspected — that the Times, in its zeal for a juicy lede, turned an off-the-cuff exchange with Mayor Bloomberg into an indictment of transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan […]

Weiner Invokes Jane Jacobs, Endorses “Alternative Modes”

Move over Weinermobile. Queens Congressman and 2009 mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner released a manifesto of sorts yesterday. "Keys to the City" lays out his plan, in broad strokes, to "keep New York the capital of the middle class." Toward the end, Weiner touches on transportation policy. While he remains opposed to congestion pricing, he comes […]