T.A. and the Campaign for New York’s Future Rally for Congestion Pricing

The clock is ticking. If you do one thing to help win a
healthier city for this generation and the next, join
on Sunday.

Join Transportation Alternatives and the Campaign for New York’s Future this Sunday morning as we rally at City Hall to win the last-minute passage of congestion pricing. With only a few days left before the federal deadline for $500 M in funding lapses, this is our last chance to push Albany to take action.

On the day before the deadline, we will send a clear message that New Yorkers demand better transit, less traffic and cleaner air. Wear green, bring friends and family, and help make this eleventh hour push count!


Ads Pitch Pricing Benefits to Transit-Taking Majority

 With the March 31 deadline to qualify for $354M in federal transit funds approaching, the Campaign for New York’s Future and the Empire State Transportation Alliance have rolled out an ad campaign to get the public behind congestion pricing. The three print ads and one TV spot, sponsored by Environmental Defense, direct their audience to […]

It’s Time to Tell Your Reps to Vote for Pricing

The public hearings have been held, the commission has approved a plan, now the votes on congestion pricing are fast approaching. As the March 31st legislative deadline draws near, Transportation Alternatives and other pro-pricing groups are ramping up the advocacy. Yesterday, T.A. sent a message to supporters outlining its strategy. The ad to the right […]

Campaign For New York’s Future: Event to Thanks Legislators for Action on Congestion Pricing and to Urge Action on Remaining Issues

Leading representatives from the New York Central Labor Council, the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, Environmental Defense, Nos Quedamos and Transportation Alternatives will join with other leaders from the Campaign for New York’s Future to thank New York’s elected leaders for moving New York’s congestion pricing plan forward while also urging quick action on key remaining steps […]

Congestion Pricing Rally: Countdown to July 16

Countdown to the July 16th Deadline for Clean Air, Better Transit and Congestion Pricing Support congestion pricing! Fund transit improvements! Improve air quality! Fill the $31 billion gap in the transportation funding plan! Reduce traffic! Improve street safety! Visuals: Screens in Times Square will show giant green apples, T.A. needs YOU to wear your green […]

Dueling Videos: Weprin and McCaffrey vs. New York’s Future

Azi Paybarah at the Politicker shot this video of Queens City Council Member David Weprin’s anti-pricing rally yesterday. Sharing the podium with Weprin is Walter McCaffrey of Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free. Can you count the distortions relayed in this nine minute reel? After the jump, Azi gets a response from Michael O’Loughlin of the […]