StreetFilms: Intersection Intervention at Pioneer Theater

Please join the NYCSR and The Open Planning Project as we present an enlightening cross-section of our best work featuring
twenty of our short films at the Pioneer Theater on Tuesday, July 10 at
7 PM. The program will run about 85 minutes in length and all tickets will include a free pizza and drinks reception downstairs in the Den of Cin.

This should be a great night of advocacy, conversation, feedback and fun with special guests. It is amazing how far the city has come in a short time, and together we can continue the quest for a more livable city.

The theater only holds 99 people so please buy your tickets ahead of time. You can buy tickets here.

Tuesday, July 10th 7pm
Two Boots Pioneer Theater
155 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009


Streetfilms at the Pioneer Theater

Tuesday, August 29, 7 pm. Pioneer Theater 155 East 3rd Street, New York City (between Avenues A & B) Tickets: $9 (Free food and drink following the screening) The New York City Streets Renaissance Campaign presents "Streetfilms" Please join us for a 75-minute program of short films from the New York City Streets Renaissance Campaign. Streetfilms focus […]

StreetFilms Film Festival Tonight in the East Village

Tonight, you’re invited to come see some of StreetFilms‘ greatest hits on the big screen. Clarence Eckerson has put together a 60 minute program including 13 videos. Afterwards, there will be a reception including free beer and pizza. 7:00pmPioneer Theater 155 E. 3rd St. (at Avenue A) Manhattan Cost: $6.50 to $10 Buy tickets online

Get Your Tickets to the 10-Year Bash for Streetsblog and Streetfilms

Ten years ago, Mark Gorton, Aaron Naparstek, and Clarence Eckerson started a new media venture — Streetsblog and Streetfilms. The idea was to show that cities work best when streets are designed for people, not cars, and to press public officials to bring street design and transportation policy into the 21st century. No one had seen […]

Streetfilms: Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square

According to the Project for Public Spaces (PPS), Portland, Oregon’s Pioneer Courthouse Square is one of the Top 10 greatest public spaces in the U.S. & Canada. I couldn’t agree more. Affectionately referred to as the city’s "living room" the charming and versatile block was once slated to be a parking garage in the 1960s. […]