Drawing the Bicycle With Taliah Lempert

Draw pictures of bicycles in an artist’s studio. This workshop focuses on gesture, composition and basic bicycle anatomy. Participants draw bicycles from observation. All levels welcome. Class size limited to 10 participants. Basic materials provided.


Security Overkill Strikes Again

Maybe it was the NYPD’s revenge for the disgracing of rookie cop (and detective’s son) Patrick Pogan, now on trial for his brutal takedown two years ago of Critical Mass cyclist Christopher Long. Or perhaps it was just the latest manifestation of the post-9/11 security state, in which everything — parked bikes, basic mobility, even […]

How to Plan Good Cities for Bicycling

Editor’s note: This is the final installment in our series this week featuring Danish architect and livable streets luminary Jan Gehl. The pieces are excerpts are from his book, “Cities for People,” published by Island Press. Donate to Streetsblog and Streetfilms and you’ll qualify to win a copy of the book, courtesy of Island Press. […]

Revisiting the Idea of a Bicycle Tax

The city of Tucson has some nice-looking bicycle infrastructure. Now the City Council is looking at imposing bike registration fees, even though the system wouldn’t even pay for itself. (Photo: Steven Vance via Flickr) Two different methods of making bicycle riders pay for roads came over the feed on the Streetsblog Network over the last […]

This Friday: Bicycle Access Law Takes Effect

Bicycles inside Silverstein Properties’ 7 World Trade Center. Photo: Transportation Alternatives. It’s been almost 120 days since the Bicycle Access Bill was signed into law, which means that this Friday, December 11, the law will actually take effect. If you work in an office building (with a freight elevator) where bikes are currently banned, you’ll […]

In Copenhagen, Motoring on Cyclists’ Terms

Today on the Network, Copenhagenize takes a look at a proposal that shakes up the traditional “complete street” concept. As presented in a municipal “idea catalogue,” the plan is to redesign Copenhagen’s Vestergade as a “bicycle street,” where cyclists and pedestrians come first, and motor vehicle traffic is the second-tier mode. The entire road will be turned […]