Pedestrians Fighting Over the Scraps

The Brooklynian message boards are often the scene of fierce fighting over Brownstone Brooklyn’s crowded sidewalk space. While Park Slope’s legion of double-wide stroller-pushing moms and sidewalk-riding cyclists tend to generate the most ire, yesterday a new target emerged: Guys playing cards on the sidewalk.

Thankfully, these sidewalk fights seem to take place more in cyberspace than out on the street. Still, it always amazes me a little bit to see pedestrians, stroller-pushers, cyclists and card players arguing over scraps of sidewalk while a few feet away automobiles frolic across vast expanses of asphalt and lounge all day in free curbside parking spaces.

It doesn’t occur to a lot of New Yorkers that it’s the cars that are hogging so much of our public space and that streets and sidewalks can be more than just a means to get somewhere else, they can actually be "places" in and of themselves.

Fortunately, another reclamation of curbside parking space is on the way. September 21 has been set as the date for International Park(ing) Day 2007.


Eyes on the Street: East Village Bike Corral Action

Reader Mike Epstein sends in this shot of DOT bike corral construction on Ninth Street between First and Second Avenues in Manhattan. It’s good to see this treatment expanding. Corrals that accommodate multiple bike racks offer a much more efficient use of street space than a one-car parking spot. They make streets safer by improving […]

Cyclists and Pedestrians: Fighting Over the Scraps

Cyclists and pedestrians somehow managing to get along with each other in Copenhagen. "Gridlock" Sam Schwartz’s op/ed piece in the Times City section yesterday is generating lots of discussion in the cycling community. Weirdly headlined, "Rolling Thunder," the editorial briefly examines the conflict between cyclists and pedestrians on New York City streets, acknowledges the antipathy that many walkers feel […]

The Real Menace on Our Sidewalks

So it looks like the City Council is pondering legislation that would raise the fine for biking on the sidewalk (currently $100) and possibly establish a new squad of enforcement agents dedicated entirely to ticketing commercial cyclists. At a hearing earlier this week, transportation committee chair James Vacca framed the riding habits of commercial cyclists […]

Billyburg bike bandits strike again

On Sunday, the New York Times City section ran a story called "The Bicycle Thief: It’s Not Who You Think." It went like this: On Wednesday, 28-year-old graphic designer Miao Wang rode her bicycle 12 blocks from her apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to the Bedford Avenue L subway station. She locked up, boarded her train […]

Bruce’s Way

Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn, the organization fighting Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards boondoggle, point us to the latest traffic "mitigation" from the Empire State Development Corporation, pictured above. Over at Pacific Street and Sixth Avenue in Prospect Heights, the sidewalk has been transformed into a motor vehicle travel lane. DDDB writes: Yes, they’ve turned the sidewalk […]