Central Park Traffic Calming Ride

Cyclists will ride side-by-side around the park’s loop drive in a nonconfrontational ride to slow down car traffic during the hours the park is open to cars.


This Week in Livable Streets Events

TA candidate debates come to Queens this week, while Time’s Up! volunteers will work to calm traffic and clean up trash in city parks.   Tuesday: Auto-Free New York does a walking tour of the new car-free Broadway, Herald Square and Times Square. 6 p.m. Tuesday: The second in Transportation Alternatives’ series of City Council […]
Mayor de Blasio speaking at Grand Army Plaza this morning. Photo: David Meyer

Prospect Park Goes Car-Free Forever on January 2

Over the course of many years and several thousand volunteer hours - including massive petition campaigns in 2002 and 2008 - advocates were able to get DOT to gradually whittle down the times and places where cars were allowed in the park. The mayor's announcement today is the culmination of that steady advocacy and the incremental progress toward a car-free park.

The Rules of the Road Are Everyone’s Responsibility

I’ve been trying a little experiment lately as I ride around town on my bike: doing my level best to follow the letter of the law. I’ve been inspired by both the carrot and the stick. In the carrot department, Transportation Alternatives’ new Biking Rules handbook has made a very nice case for more rule-based […]