Father Paul Mayer: Climate Change, Social Activism, and Global Peace
Paul Mayer has more than a half century of service to the earth including 18 years as a monk, involvement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights movement in the South, and work as a liberation theologian in the barrios of Central America. He has worked with Japanese atom bomb survivors, Pastors for Peace, reconciliation efforts between Israelis and Palestinians and anti-nuclear efforts in New Jersey. He was a co-founder of the Children of War organization, and his work with indigenous people brought him to the United Nations Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has been involved with United for Peace and Justice and the New York City Forum of Concerned Religious Leaders in work for peace and justice in Iraq and the Gulf region. Most recently he was a co-founder of the Climate Crisis Coalition.. He is also a Yoga practitioner and teacher.